Some updates for the last few months
Well in admittedly pretty typical Ryan-fashion I have not posted a project nor written a post for this site since I put it up. But, I have been busy for the last few months and wanted to update on what’s been going on and start working on some old/new projects and some additions to the site.
In May, I finished my undergrad at Fordham, and moved from the Bronx to Manhattan with a friend of mine. Soon after, in the beginning of June, I started working as an Analyst Intern at Gro Intelligence. With Gro, I’ve been primarily developing Dash apps with Python to create visual interfaces to interact with the vast amount of agricultural data in their platform. It’s proven to be an excellent learning experience, and a great introduction to working in a real (though surprisingly fun) business setting.
In addition to just helping me improve my Python (which it certainly has), the work I’ve been doing has gotten me a lot more comfortable with CSS, Pandas, Dash, Docker, Git, AWS, and probably more I’m neglecting to remember. If only my commits for work counted towards my Github contributions timeline.
Which brings me to my next point, and something I’ve thought about every time I’ve found myself working full- time: working 40+ hour weeks makes it remarkably difficult to maintain other aspects of life. Even loving the work I do (like I do now), I find myself finishing the work day having little energy to do other things (particularly things that are good for me but that I don’t necessarily feel like doing). Perhaps it’s that I’ve never had sufficient time to get used to working full time (given that I’ve never done it for more than three months at a time), but I think a big part of it is forming healthy habits and being diligent about separating work and personal time (especially challenging when working from home). There are a lot of things I’d like to do, and I don’t think I’ll have much more free time in the near future, so I’m going to be making my best effort to effectively use the time I do get.
To that end, I’m going to be getting back to working on a few projects I’ve been meaning to get back to. I think first up I’d like to really grind on my Barista VR game. Opening it back up will no doubt be daunting, but I believe it’s still in a good place to build on (no big icky re-writes necessary I don’t think) and I have a lot of ideas I want to start trying to implement. I’ll be posting updates here if I get something cool going :)
TL;DR: I’m still alive and well and am crossing my fingers I’ll be getting my shit together and start doing/learning some cool stuff.
And here's a picture I took with my friends for graduation.